Style Prescription

I know that it’s the day before the holiday and many of you are in a flurry of activity. Still I’m sure that whether you’re writing it down (which I highly recommend) or are just reflecting quietly in your mind, you’re thinking about all you want to fly towards in 2009, right?

So I want to remind you to add your style and glamour goals to what you want to accomplish next year. That’s right, style and glamour. I was going through my fashion files and found a style prescription that I had written for myself: to add more heels to my shoe collection, add more color to my wardrobe and my day face for makeup. And guess what? RDD has made that a part of who I am. Seriously, if you get the promotion, start the business, learn a new language, work out until you have the body to die for, and still look like the sea hag, I mean really, what is the point? Start looking like the person you want to become. Create that fashion file. Be authentic. Have one for your self and your home.

I also had a note to add more music to my home. I bump it in the car, but when the background soundtrack in your home is always CNN, CSI, or Law & Order, what type of atmosphere are you creating. Remember how happy you were as a child when you can remember the music that was playing on Saturday morning in your home? Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.

Set your table, even when no one’s coming over. Who should enjoy the beauty of your home more than you.

Here’s a quote:

Life is what God gives to you. Style is what you do with it.

I can’t remember who said it, I promise to tell you once I remember, but it’s so true.

And whatever you do ladies, and this is huge: Don’t wear pain or anger–ever!!! Not even as an accessory.

Last but not least, I want to thank all of you for your e-mails about yesterday’s post. I was wondering how receptive you’d be to a talking bug with fulfillment and self-esteem issues, but I write children’s books so a story was bound to make it to a post.