Last Chance for Love?

This is the time of year when all you hear about is love. Well, at least the commercial displays of romance and affection that come with it. The truth is love, or dare I say the lack of it has created many a rainy day, week, month (for some years) for many of my sisters out there. Now I heard of this story a little earlier in the year and until now I had refrained from discussing it, but I feel compelled. There is a woman who has made her rounds on T.V. stating that she is looking to find a husband in 52 weeks. She even has a website. Her reason is that she is “older” whatever that means and has spent so much time on her career but did not find that ever-elusive Mr.Right and receive the status-elevating diamond and name change that follows, so she is giving herself 52 weeks to date and find “the one”. Sigh

Why does it have to come to this? A deadline on love. I think it is crazy. Now it was brought to my attention that this may just be a plot to get on TV, get a book deal, and subsequent movie rights. Well it was obvious after seeing the interview that she is not hoping to star in said productions, not to say she won’t get the deal. But for some reason I think she might be serious. Which saddens me. Personally, I have embraced spinsterhood. Not in a this-is-what-I will-be-forever way, but in a if-this-is where-I-am, I’m-going-to-enjoy- it, kind of way. I think there needs to be a redefining of Spinsterhood. Because let’s face it, the name, whether spoken out loud or harbored secretly in the corner of uninspired minds, is not going anywhere. Being single with no kids does not equal gloom and bloomers. In fact, there are a many soccer mom that dream of my lifestyle.

Now this is not an “I don’t need a man” rant, because that kind of talk is a cry for help. But the fact is, I’m not going to advertise myself like a reduced package of SPAM online! This tactic reminds me of when you were in grade school and someone would pick the ugliest boy in class, the one that was cross-eyed and didn’t know his colors and then they’d say, “last chance for love”? Desperation is not only NOT a good look, it is one of the main ingredients in Man-Repellent. That is, unless you want someone who wants a lonely, desperate, “older” woman with a good job and benefits (including dental). Anybody seen Tyrone?

Maya Angelou once said: “Whining is not only graceless, but it can be dangerous. It can alert a brute that a victim is in the neighborhood.” This sounds like an invitation for baby mama drama, ex cons and outlaws, anger management flunk outs and down lo…never mind. I wish her the best.

Until I find that true love, my man, I’m going to keep going, keep glowing and be the flyest spinster I can be. I mean half-past homely never helped anybody. But that’s just how I feel, your thoughts?

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