Salon Dreams

Miss me? I’ve been under the weather, dealing with weather, sick, tired, and sick and tired. Cold medicine and a high temperature (code for fever) kept me glued to my pillow and away from my PC. Between Psuedoephed naps and repeat episodes of Clean House I’ve had an interesting week. But alas tomorrow is my day at the salon. I so look forward to it. No heels, possibly no makeup, no corporate smile-I love it!

I must admit, I’ve been to every kind of salon (if that’s what you want to call some of them) including kitchen beauticians. I’ve even had to bring a meal ’cause the last thing you need is for her to pass out when she is curling you (everybody’s got to eat). What about the salons that wash you right away, put a cap on you and keep you there all day? That was the last time they saw me. Ok, second to the last time. Too many sisters leave the salon feeling like they worked a second shift. Thankfully, I’ve got a good one this time. But I got to thinking, wouldn’t it be nice if you could have a fantasy salon? I mean have your salon experience your way.

My fantasy salon would be something like this:

1. No pitter patter of little feet. Love the kids, but when it comes to salon visits: Leave home without ’em.
2. Mimosas (wallarby darneds are acceptable)
3. Complimentary foot rubs or facial massages (why not both)
4. No street hustlers, fish dinners, and fake hand bag pushers
5. No TV (I do not want to see judge-in-the-box with all that arguing and foolishness. I’m trying to relax)
6. Wouldn’t it be nice if hair dryers had headphones like airplane seats. Because if you forget your iPod, it can be a long day.
7. All of the shampoo girls (shampoo people) would shampoo you just right would be men.
8. On slow days they’d text me a heads up instead of telling me on Saturday, “you should have been here yesterday.”
9. Maybe they’d offer a raffle on a manicure or instead of letting that guy nag me about that fake bag, maybe they’d raffle one of those off.

You know what, I don’t think that people would complain about waiting as much if salon owners disguised the waiting. In spas people hang out all day, you wonder when are they going home, that massage was an hour ago. That is because the atmosphere makes you lose track of time. If they had waiting areas that were cozy, comfortable, and quiet. With, let’s say some slippers, complimentary libations and current magazines–they could silence all that yang about a wait. That is every woman’s dream.

So what’s your fantasy salon like?