A Pebble In My Shoe

Louboutin striped platform pump

Have you ever noticed that Hollywood is really afraid of the number 30?  While magazines and talk shows proclaim that 30 is the new twenty (or is that 40?), TV and film are still afraid to hop on the bandwagon.  Of course, I’ve noticed this before but watching TV all weekend made it even more obvious.  They create all these characters that are living fabulous lives in their twenties.  Take Girlfriends for example, (I’m still mad they cancelled that one) they were partners at law firms, misdirected Ph.D’s, successful real estate moguls and a mother of a teenager all before the big 3-0! Yeah,  right.

Do you remember your twenties?  Mine weren’t like that and they weren’t like that for a lot of people I know.  Now does that happen  for some people?  Sure.  And there are fourteen year olds that make millions of dollars touring with their brothers in a band, but that’s not your average high school freshman.   If it were real life, they would have been at least a decade older than their ages on the show.  There are a few shows that haven’t conformed, but by and large it’s the hollywood way.  And every time I see some character with a mansion and a powerful career at the age of 27 running the office, I can’t help but quote Charlie Brown, “Ugh”.   You know in real life she’d still be paying off her student loans and clipping coupons.  Why is this a problem?  Why is there a pebble in my  dream shoes Louboutins?

I really think that this type of portrayal adds to that not-so-subtle pressure to achieve, causing the “undeniably grown” to self-impose unrealistic expectations on our lives.  You know the, I should have done this, had that, been there by now syndrome.  Which, after that certain birthday passes, leaves us wondering is it too late.  Or worse- giving up altogether and believing that the next 4 or 5 decades have to be spent in regret.

Please don’t fall for this one.  Their is no expiration date for success, love, dreams or even a career for that matter.  It is never too late to step onto a new path.

Louboutin Striped Platform Pump retails for a little over $800

Today’s Quote:

“Age ain’t nothing but a number.” Aaliyah

I am a native of Richmond, Virginia and the author of one children's book. I've done some freelance writing. Currently, I am developing a seminar to teach youths about career choices and possibilities. Aside from reading, I love spas, beauty products, and positive conversation.