Happy Monday


It finally began to feel like summer here in the North East and I spent my weekend under the weather and under the covers.  The weather was beautiful and I was stuck inside, doing the only thing you can do when you don’t feel well:  eat, sleep and watch TV. Which means I blew my diet.  Oh, I’m not upset about the extra carbs and the coca cola.  No, I can work off added calories.  I blew my TV diet.

A few weeks ago I decided to go on a TV diet.  That is, I was going to cut back on the number of shows that I watch so that I can be more productive in my own reality.  So I went to my trusty Tivo and deleted some of my seasons passes and narrowed my viewing down to just two nights a week.  The CW had already cancelled The Game, so that eliminated Friday night viewing altogether (I’ll miss it) but that was a huge boost to my diet right there.

I felt like I had really made strides in time management.  That was until this weekend.  When you are stuck in the house and you don’t feel well enough to “do” anything, the remote beckons.  And I obliged.  Channel to channel, movie to sitcom, infomercials, CNN it was like a buffet.  Actually, I was surprised no one was showing Back To The Future or The Fugitive, those are always a weekend staples.

I saw some shows for the umpteenth time (did you know they show Hawthorne reruns-already?) and some for the first time, I’m tempted to set a season’s pass for Southland (glad to see Regina King). It was easy to resist Sanford & Son, but Martin had me laughing like it was 1995!  Oh, and TO has a show, who knew? It’s not bad actually.  He’s not afraid to cry, I’ll give him that and I was really getting in to it.   I really do want to know what is going to happen to Tiny and Toya and I was thankful no one’s wig got snatched completely off in a dust up of those Atlanta housewives.

Then it dawned on me it is August, which means the new fall season is about to start.  Some of my favorites will be starting in a few weeks.  Starting with Top Model, September 9–Cycle 13–I’m there.  Not to mention my favorite rapper will be on NCIS (y’all know who that is).  I have fallen, and I’m not sure how to get back up.  Have you ever grappled with cutting back on the boob tube?  What show can’t you do without?

I am a native of Richmond, Virginia and the author of one children's book. I've done some freelance writing. Currently, I am developing a seminar to teach youths about career choices and possibilities. Aside from reading, I love spas, beauty products, and positive conversation.