Random Notes of Happiness

Bath salt

I am so glad it is Friday!  Was it just me or did this week seem to drag by.  In fact, I think it slowed down considerably yesterday.  However, I am looking forward to two days to relax, relate and rejuvenate.  So just a few notes today.

For all of you Prescriptives fans, the news isn’t so good. Prescriptives has announced that it will officially close its line January 31, 2010. Yes, they are going out of business.  So now is the time to stock up on all their makeup goodies.

In case you missed my tweet earlier this week, the cast of The Game will appear on The Monique Show tonight at 10 p.m. ET.  That’s not a typo.  They will be on one hour earlier than her regular time.  Let’s hope this means that they have officially been picked up and will be returning for another season. Maybe there is still hope for Girlfriends, or am I dreaming a bit too much?

I heard a few quotes this week that stirred me a bit, so I thought I’d share:

“Justice is what love looks like in public.” ~Dr. Cornel West

“Gratitude is the aristocrat of the attitudes.” ~Dr. Cornel West

This one from one of my favorite triple threats:

‘Can I dance like Beyonce?  Sure.  Do I want to do that?  No.’  ~Vanessa Williams

I love this.  More people need to keep it in mind.  Not everything is for everybody and just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.  Success looks different for different people.  Chart your own course ladies.

Now, let the maxin’ and relaxin’ begin.  Enjoy your weekend!

I am a native of Richmond, Virginia and the author of one children's book. I've done some freelance writing. Currently, I am developing a seminar to teach youths about career choices and possibilities. Aside from reading, I love spas, beauty products, and positive conversation.