A new year is fast approaching and I hear so many say that in some way, form or fashion 2010 will be different from the status quo of 2009. I, like so many, have a host of things I’d like to do, try, and experience in the near future as well. While I was listening to someone tell me what they were not going to stand for in 2010, before I knew it I had asked them a question that halted the conversation: “Why wait?”
Sure there are only a few days left before we flip the calendar, but why wait until the stroke of midnight on any given day to be kinder, healthier, wiser, more compassionate, joyful, open minded, etc. Why can’t we begin laying the groundwork for those transformations today. I’ve heard it said that it takes 21 days of consistency to create a new habit. So why not get a jump start on 2010? Today is always the right day to decide who you want to become.
Speaking of transformations, I picked up About Face by makeup artist, Scott Barnes this weekend. In this book, Barnes details how he transforms women with makeup, but he also gives the how-to for women to get the look at home. I love the images in this book and they are truly transformations. I was especially drawn to his discussions on highlighting and contouring (that’s an ’09 goal, that I’ll be moving forward to ’10). In addition to amazing images and detailed how-tos, Scott included some really thought provoking and up lifting quotes in his book (thumbs up, Scott). I love that he doesn’t stick solely to makeup application, but talks about the importance of nail care, choosing the right polish, hydrating the face and lymphatic drain. About Face, is definitely worth the investment. My only question for Scott Barnes is, “Would you transform a certain makeup enthusiast/blogger the next time you’re in the North East?”
To view Scott Barnes’ portfolio, click here. Some quotes from About Face below:
“You have the power to create your own masterpiece.” ~Scott Barnes“Each of us has the right, that possibility, to invent ourselves daily. If a person does not invent herself, she will be invented.” ~Maya Angelou