Getting Kinky

Kinky Curly 2

Ok.  The weekend is over.  A new year has begun.  For me personally, 2010 will be a year of doing new things and trying different approaches to some familiar things.  I could not think of any better way than to start with my hair.  So while I had some time on my hands and a whole lot of nerve.  I tried one of the products I mentioned in my post, A Natural Woman. I dashed off to the nearest Whole Foods and purchased Kinky Curly.  I honestly had no intention of trying the  product so soon.  However, once I tested just a couple of strands and saw the results, I was motivated to pull out the shampoo.  It was so easy.  And this from a woman who only goes to the salon.  In fact, I discovered a brand new hair dryer and hair products, I didn’t know that I had-that’s how I often I do a ‘do at home.  But anyway, I followed the instructions to a T.  I began with the Come Clean shampoo, detangled my hair  with the leave in conditioner Knot Today (I love that name), and then I applied the Kinky Curly Custard.  As soon as I did that, I could see my curl pattern coming into form.  The next morning I had beautiful curls.  Now honestly it did resemble a throwback to 1983 at first.  I looked in the mirror and imagined that I should have been in the car as one of the DeBarges (the forgotten one) singing Rhythm of the Night.  But that was all a matter of styling.  While I am not a stylist by any means, I finger styled and worked with the diffuser until I had some volume with curls that looked not only beautiful, but decade appropriate.

Aside from giving me a fabulous and easy-to-do-at-home look, I love that it does not feel greasy or sticky.  It just feels like me, natural.  Oh, and did I mention that I love it?  So I started my year spending quite a bit of my time talking to others about my experience as a kinky-curly natural woman, encouraging those who I know want to go natural but are afraid to take the big snip, or “just say no” approach to the lye.  I watched you-tube videos from other women who have gone natural, and even stumbled across a few communities dedicated to doing so. Can we say a movement is underway?  I even came across a really cool site called, Thank God I’m Natural.  It’s not just a blog, there’s also a book of the same title.  You might want to check that out.  Oh, and if you’ve tried the product or want to try it and have questions for me, comments are welcome.

So tell me how did you begin your year?

Happy Monday, everyone!

I am a native of Richmond, Virginia and the author of one children's book. I've done some freelance writing. Currently, I am developing a seminar to teach youths about career choices and possibilities. Aside from reading, I love spas, beauty products, and positive conversation.