Insanity-Product Review


On one of my sleepless nights I found myself entranced by the glow of my TV set, watching one infomercial after another making all kinds of promises.  Take your pick: better health, mo’ money, perfect burgers, smoother smoothies and miracle girdles.  Well, for some reason I watch the P90X infomercial over and over again like it’s an episode of Martin.  But this time I saw a new exercise DVD I hadn’t seen before: Insanity.  Now I had seen the instructor, Shaun T from Hip Hop Abs, but this was something new.  It looked challenging, it looked fresh and new.  And since Insanity made promises of complete body training without massive weights and there was no assembly required, I found myself dialing that toll-free number.

Makeup trends, but fitness is forever, not to mention vital.  So I was psyched when I got my package.  I quickly unpacked everything and began the fitness test.  I jumped up, pushed up, and leaped from side to side, taking note of how many reps I was able to complete.  Now I can say that this is a workout like no other.  Once I saw my results from the fitness test, I realized I have a long way to go.  But I forged on.  Let’s just say that after the first workout, I don’t think they should call this, Insanity.  It should be called Delirious, because that is exactly what I was.  Now if you are familiar with Hip Hop Abs, I know what you are thinking.  But let me assure you, Shaun T is not playing this time.  I did the frog jumps and the warp speed jumping jacks and the last thing I remember was being face down on the floor, drooling and repenting for every brownie and french fry I had ever eaten without a second thought.  I saw the dog leave the room, I saw my third grade notebook, the one with all of the gold stars and I believe I heard Billy Blanks voice, “You thought you were going to leave me?  Uppercut!”

Well, I must say that I didn’t give up.  I made it through the first 3 DVDs (there are 10).  If you are reasonably in shape, Insanity just might be for you.  If you have a knee problem or a knee that wants to have a problem, skip this.  But if you are in tip top shape (that is no joint pain or leg/back injuries), Insanity is probably a go.  I think I’ll stick with Billy Blanks, punching and jabbing my way to fitness before I attempt Insanity again.  Until then, I’m going to keep it moving.

If you have a workout that works, please help a sister out.  Happy Wednesday!

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Wii. Wee.

I am a native of Richmond, Virginia and the author of one children's book. I've done some freelance writing. Currently, I am developing a seminar to teach youths about career choices and possibilities. Aside from reading, I love spas, beauty products, and positive conversation.