Every October, for the last couple of years, I get nervous and outright frightened. Not because of kids in costumes or the horror movies that infiltrate commercials during my favorite shows-but because of the inevitable Black In America series that CNN persist in airing. You know salons are buzzing about this. Just as they did the last few years. Just say the name “Soledad” and you get a mixed-bag reaction, a few side glances, and then the commentary begins.
This year the subject was Almighty Debt-which focused on faith and finances. Somehow, I just wish that they would run a disclaimer that the subjects discussed and people portrayed are not representative of an entire people (race, economic class, age demographic, geographical area-take your pic). And while you may say that people know that, I’m not so sure that is the way it comes across. I will say that, of the three specials CNN has done, this one was the easiest for me to sit through. I just wonder who helps put these specials together?
- CNN Black In America
The most confusing story for me to follow was the couple that lived in a house they obviously could not afford. I never did understand why they were holding on to this house so tightly as if their only alternative was homelessness. How do you live in a house for 2 years without paying?! I would not be able to stand up. The thought would never occur to me.
If any two people could understand the importance of maintaining a “decent’ credit score, it would seem that it would be a car salesman and a real estate agent. Perhaps they should have sought the services of the real estate agent that didn’t own her own home and was getting evicted that aired in the very first Black In America. Where does Soledad find these people? Will CNN tell us next year that this has all been a bad joke.
I understand hard times, financial challenges, trying to make a way out of no way, and holding on. However, there comes a time when down-sizing is the thing to do. And guess what? There’s no shame in it. I’d rather live in a smaller home with peace of mind than in a big house with sleepless nights. I do believe they had an image issue more than anything. It’s true that ‘image is everything’. But frontin’ is not an image, it’s a farce!
When it’s raining, don’t front. Get an umbrella and keep it moving!
If you want to, Get Your Money Straight, check these sites.
Girl, Get Your Money Straight!
Debt Hater, read my interview with Debt Hater, here.