Once the calendar flips to November, there’s no denying that fall has taken over. Actually, November can be as fickle as spring. Some days are bright and airy, others brooding and gray. If you need a quick pick me up on an otherwise dreary day, try Gloomaway by Origins. Fragrance is definitely a mood booster. Gloomaway will do just what it’s name suggests: take the gloom and gray right our of your day.
This is one of the products I keep in my secret weapons stash. There’s no way you can sink into a bad mood or frustration after a spritz of this. It is a light, clean citrus scent. Just a spritz will have you feeling invigorated, refreshed, not to mention, sunny and mild. Origins has made it easy to envelope yourself in this amazing fragrance. You can spritz it, have an amazing bubble bath, light a candle or moisturize from head to toe.
November is…Nice!