As much as I love Summer, there’s something about fall/winter fashions that just make me weak. I don’t know if it’s the layers, the cozy sweaters, or boots. Its just tops when it comes to fashion for me. My love affair with winter style began way back in middle school. One boring summer day I was conversing with two of my friends and we started talking about our love of winter clothes, school pictures and inevitably going back to school in the fall and all of the new styles we were so eager to wear.
It was then that one friend got the idea that we should take school pictures together in our new fall diggs. After all school pictures are taken solo and besides we all went to different schools. So the next day, we all head downtown via the city bus dressed in summer clothes, but with bright fall sweaters, strawberry lip gloss, $9.99 for the photos and tween-age enthusiasm in tow. After a quick change, a few poses and lots of giggles later we were all done. It was just as we were walking back to the dressing room to change back into our shorts and t-shirts that we made a horrible discovery.
We had read the bus schedule wrong. We only had 7 or so minutes to catch the bus that would get us back home before our parents. The next bus wouldn’t get us home until after 6 and then we’d have some explaining to do. There was no time to change. Not only did we have to step into 80 plus degree heat in fall sweaters, but we had to run for the bus. The good news is, we made it. I am so grateful that GRTC keeps the A/C on full blast on all buses. Yes, we got quite a few stares, but we shared some laughs. I have no clue whatever happened to those pictures. But I will never forget that day.
What is the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of fashion past or present?

Photos: Norman Jean Roy for Allure 10/10
Models: Arlenis Sosa and Sessilee Lopez, Allure 10/10