This has been an exciting week for me. The return and season premiere of my favorite television show, The Game, debuted on BET on Tuesday. Not only was it an hour of drama, fashion, and plot twists but it broke viewership records for BET-7.7 million viewers tuned into watch! This is all the more fascinating because just two years ago The CW cancelled The Game. I bet The CW has The Jackson 5 in heavy rotation right about now, “I Want You Back.”
This is particularly exciting for me, because in anticipation of the shows return, I became half of the collaborative duo behind For The Love Of The Game-a lifestyle blog dedicated to the show. We dish on all things The Game related, including fashion, beauty, travel and the show itself. We’re like The Game’s own little version of ESPN but hotter!!
Hopefully you had a chance to watch. So what did you think? I’ll tell you what, I think people are going to be hunting high and low for Melanie’s coveted bag, that Janay (her husbands ex-girlfriend and baby mama) ended up purchasing in black because it, “looked better on mommy.” Talk about competition! Ahh, nothing like new episodes.
For more on The Game, check out For The Love Of The Game. You can always click on that badge at the top right hand side or click here. Oh, and don’t forget to tune in, Tuesday nights at 10 p.m.