MAC has come up with another marvelous collection. This time paying homage to super hero, Wonder Woman. This is genius because as exciting as it is to have a femme super hero who is strong, confident and sexy, there are many “Wonder Women” who exist outside of the comic books. Every day we deflect our obstacles with a flick of the wrists, deal a boomerang to our challenges, lasso our hopes and dreams and rise above adversity -albeit not in an invisible airplane. Still we get the job done and we look pretty darn fabulous while doing it. Pow!
MAC’s collection includes: An eye palette, Opulash Mascara in purple, green and blue, Nail Lacquer, blush and a Mineralize finish. The Wonder Woman collection launches today, February 10. For the full collection click here.
Here’s to all the Wonder Women out there. Stay beautiful!
Below, on the hit ’70’s television series, actress Linda Carter as Wonder Woman. This is what I call, “Back in the day fabulous!”