I’m excited about trying Cargo Lash Activator for two reasons. It’s my first time trying Cargo products. Secondly, mascara is my favorite makeup product. So I’m pleased to be introduced to Cargo products by way of a mascara product.
When I saw the word “activator” I immediately thought that it was a lash primer. Au contraire! It’s actually designed to boost your lashes, increasing growth and reducing lash loss. Genius idea! Especially since the lash growth products you see advertised cost hundreds of dollars and have risk factors that range from changing your eye color to having your eyeballs roll onto the floor (you’ve seen the commercial)!
I haven’t given it the full thirty days to see if my lashes have gone from waif to lush, but here’s the deal on how it stacks up as a mascara. The texture is rich and it goes on thick and even. With just one coat, I saw a difference in my lashes. Even with the lush brands I love, I usually apply several coats. I had no problems “building” my lashes.
What I did notice is that I had slightly more smudges with Cargo than normal at the lash line. It’s as if an excessive amount is on the wand-maybe that’s needed to promote growth. But it beats a dry wand with too little. Besides, that’s nothing a little eyeliner won’t solve. So far, it definitely earns a place on the shelf. I’ll let you know in 30 days, if I experienced a lash growth spurt. Until then, back to the lab.
Cargo Lash Activator, $35