So recently I went through a breakup of my own. I knew it was coming. Things hadn’t been good for quite some time. After 10+ years, corporate America decided to break things off with me. Laid off, downsized, however you express it, I was kicked to the curb. After I gave them the best years of my life dealing with their deadlines, new projects, analysis, training, office politics, cubicle blues, cross-functional teams and petty office gossip-it was over just like that!
And you know when it was all said and done, only one thought kept pressing on my mind: Should I cabbage patch, moonwalk, or Dougie my way out of this office?
Remember in The Wiz, when the wicked witch Evilene died? That’s just how I felt. Can you feel a brand new day? Ah, yes, it is a new day ladies! And I’m all the better for it.
In spite of having grown accustomed to the corporate culture, I’m excited about exploring my new found freedoms. Much like the fashion brand, Lacoste, I’m going for unconventional: Unconventional career, unconventional projects and yes, unconventional chic. So now that we’ve grieved for what was, let’s talk about getting stoked for the things to come.
Getting That Glow
- Cultivate a positive Outlook. Whether it’s a relationship with a man, best friend, or your corporate gig, stay positive. Speak in terms of opportunity. Instead of, “I don’t know what’s going to happen,” which is based on fear, say “I can’t wait to see what happens.” This turns your statement into an expectation of a positive, exciting outcome.
- Get reacquainted with your dreams. Make a list of all the things you’d like to do and explore. After all, now you’ve got the time. And don’t stop at high level, write down the way you see your future to the smallest detail.
- Plan your work and work your plan. Be strategic and systematic.
- Stay enthusiastic. What bronzer does for your skin, enthusiasm will do for your spirits. Don’t accept pity parties because of your relationship (or job) status.
- Exfoliate! This is so vital. Just as your skin needs to shed old cells, dirt and toxins, so does your life. Don’t keep seeking out news on your ex. Meet new people. Network. Expand your circle.
- Keep fancy, simple. Getting brand new, doesn’t mean you have to get brand new. Resist the urge to comfort yourself with shopping sprees (ok, just one). Just keep in mind that your circumstances have changed. It’s OK to acknowledge that. Don’t make Debt your new best friend. I’m telling you, she’s a backstabber!
- What’s on your mind? What you say to yourself is as important as what you say out loud. Here’s a few phrases and perspectives for keeps: It was fun while it lasted, it was a lesson learned, an invaluable experience, a new door has opened, this is the impetus/catalyst for my new direction/success
If you’ve recently received a pink slip, drop me an e-mail: [email protected]. I’ve got some cheering up for you!
If you want to learn how to Dougie, click here.