Spring doesn’t officially start for a little more than a week from now, but it’s already that time of year again: daylight savings time. Sunday morning at 2 a.m., the clock jumps one hour ahead. While some lament losing an hour of sleep (I’m going to miss it), I’m choosing to celebrate gaining an hour of daylight. For me, Springing forward means more time to do all the things I wish I had more hours in a day to do otherwise: workout, socialize, tackle my never ending to-do list, or just relax without being shrouded in darkness.
It also means it’s time to begin spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new. I’m talking more than just dusting the mantle and sprucing up around the home. It’s time to: Invigorate the beauty routine, revitalize your wardrobe, replenish your spirit and implement new ideas. Who’s with me?!
Above, Thandie Newton covers the March issue of Uptown Magazine. This cover reminds me of all things spring, fresh and new! Inside, this issue gives props to Thandie and other thespians with serious chops!