Now that I’m clutter-free, I’m always on the look out for creative and innovative ways to keep my essentials organized. For years my solution to having too much was hide it in a drawer or keep it in the closet. Well, I now live in a cozy space which basically means that I am square feet and closet space challenged. I’m finding that once you edit and re-organize it’s still no easy task to get and keep my closet a clutter-free zone. It’s true that less is more, but when less is still a mess, that’s a problem.
The March issue of O magazine is devoted to de-cluttering everything, your kitchen, computer, mind and yes-closets! I snipped just a couple of examples to show you what a little ingenuity can do. If ever there were a closet conundrum it’s shoes and jewelry. What these ladies did is amazing and those brass hands for jewelry…I’ve got to find a set of those!