You never know when or where you’ll get some Words Of Wisdom (WOW). And a little bit of WOW goes a long way. Just last night when I was watching America’s Next Top Model cycle 2,127 (okay, it’s really cycle 16- it just feels so much longer), I picked up a few nuggets that will come in handy whether you’re being judged at panel or making your way through life.
“When you don’t take control of your face, your face takes control of you. You want to be in control of it. You want to harness it as opposed to it doing things that are not necessarily flattering to the light. ~ Tyra Banks (To Dominique, pictured above)
How often have you seen someone or been that someone who is totally unaware of their facial expression? It’s not always a scowl, sometimes it’s a look of sadness or even confusion. Regardless that expression is probably the reflection of a thought more so than a reflection of the person. Not being a model doesn’t exempt any of us from consequences of doing things that are not flattering to our own light.
You have a very unique beauty to you. You have to own it, though. You have to totally believe in yourself. ~Nigel Barker (To Sarah)
This one is for the pretty lady that doesn’t believe it, the smart chic who second guesses herself and the talented woman who has zero confidence. A lack of confidence only diminishes your value. If it’s yours, be grateful and own it!
Think new born baby. Soften every bone in your face. ~Tyra Banks (To Nicole, on photographing younger)
I love this one, because somehow with women stressing in corporate America, multi-tasking all day, and even kicking butt on TV, softness is becoming a rarity. Even kids are starting to look stressed out and tough. Being strong is one thing, but looking hard is another.
By the way, I’m loving the grape Kool-Aid powder lipstick. Cute! So any words of wisdom this week?