We’re closing in on the crowning of another winner on America’s Next Top Model. If you’re a fan of the show you know that aside from the challenges, drama, and spirited panel debates, Nigel Barker is reason enough to tune in. What you may not know is that the dashing fashion photographer has harnessed his experience of working behind the camera, his eye for beauty and his charm into a book- Nigel Barker’s Beauty Equation.
In the book, Barker introduces an equation that includes confidence, energy radiance and honesty along with a few other variable qualities that equal beauty. A chapter is dedicated to each of those qualities, with images of past ANTM contestants and celebrities, models and designers. He rounds out the book with a chapter dedicated to taking better photos (I could hug him for that alone). Who couldn’t use a tutorial on getting the best shot? Ultimately, with all of these qualities working in tandem, Barker reveals that the winner is…you!
Pick up a copy of Beauty Equation and tune in tonight for cycle 16 ANTM!