Last week I was privileged to be included with a fashionable group of bloggers to attend the Bali Style Summit. Bali began designing intimate apparel 1927. I’m quite familiar with the brand. It was the first brand my parents purchased for me, after the Wonder Woman Underoo set, of course. I well remember my father directing me to that rack (no pun intended) when I went school shopping. “That’s what your mom put on the list.” It was made clear to me, at an early age that the girls needed support and support came from Bali.Since then, the intimate apparel industry has gone Hollywood! You know, lot’s of show, sexy, and glamorous, but not a lot of substance.
So I was eager to see the new styles and designs. Would it offer the same quality, but with a youthful, sexy look and meet the need of today’s fashion?
For one, Bali is not only designing bras, but panties and shape wear. We had a great dialogue with the Bali team on what women want and need in lingerie. We’re more active than ever before. And while Bali is a brand that, in the past, hasn’t always been associated with youth, older women are younger than ever before. Today’s 35 year old is not the 35 year-old of yesteryear.
So it was time to see the new styles and as models with unbelievably flat ads strutted and posed, I had to admit Bali is really going to shake things up in the intimate apparel industry this fall. They’ve managed to create styles that are fresh, new and hot, while staying in their lane. What I mean, is that they aren’t going for the va-voom factor. Their mantra is, Live Beautiful Daily. Bali’s new designs are soft, feminine, demure-pretty, and that’s sexy.

While we were focusing on what’s coming next, I couldn’t help but take an interest in what’s out now: The convertible. There’s nothing sexier than a convertible, bras included. With this design you can go strapless or wear racer back. You can convert it for any style you want. Now I’ve always been hesitant about these style of bras. My experience is that once you remove the straps, the bra gives out. Not so, with Bali. That same support I got after Wonder Woman was what I felt then. I tried it on, I hopped, shimmied and shook. The convertible stayed in place and so did the girls.

Then there’s the new No Line, No Slip Panties. I couldn’t wait to try a pair of these. The only thing worse than pantie lines, is pantie lines that disappear for the wrong reason. You’ve heard, “don’t get your panties in a bunch?” Well, Bali is giving that phrase new meaning. I tested these out under my yoga pants and there were no visible lines and they didn’t move. They also didn’t dig into my legs like some bands are prone to do. These are definitely a go!
By the way, do you know the correct way to put on your bra? Well, if your answer is that you stand up and twisting it around your torso-wrong answer. And if you bend at the waist and dip in, well you’re only half, right. Bali’s Kim Zonies (I call her the bra whisperer) demonstrated the proper way, which is to bend and shimmy your way in! I’m telling you this should be a dance, it might just catch on.
Note: While I did receive a convertible Bra from Bali, I did not receive the No Line, No Slip Panties. I purchased them here.
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