It’s one thing when you surf the web for a laugh, but this was delivered to my inbox. I only have one word: hillarious! Lanvin’s Fall/Winter fashion campaign features two models dancing (or at least trying to) in very eye-catching fashions. I have not seen dancing this funny since those Yoga Booty Ballet infomercials.But I just love this campaign because it is funny and hot! I’m really loving that they’ve got the beauty and accessories working too, because in all honesty some designers forget that fashion doesn’t stand alone. The hats, the coral lipsticks, and the audacity to make us laugh. Yes!
And it doesn’t stop there. For Fashions’ Night Out (FNO), the Lanvin boutique on Madison will be hosting a dance challenge. Get your moves ready! With this catchy beat from Pit Bull, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone smoothed out the choreography and made this a dance craze for real. Move over, Cupid Shuffle, Lanvin has taken the floor!
What do you think of the collection and video?