When I said lights out, I didn’t mean for good. My blog-cation is over and it feels good to be behind the keyboard again. I spent some time re-evaluating and prioritizing my goals. I’m not talking about quick fix, feel-good, off-the-cuff resolutions. No, I’m talking about rejuvenating and recalibrating my lifestyle. That encompasses a lot. But one of the things that is most pressing for me is skincare. The goal is flawless-or as close as I can get. For me, skincare feels like a full-time job. Now, if you’re one of those “never had a blemish in my life” types, then you may not understand. But it’s true. I’m talking hyper pigmentation, oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, adult acne, need I go on?
I’ve been to dermatologist after dermatologist, spa after spa, expert after expert and haven’t gotten the results I wanted-for years. Some times there are so many things to do (and not do) in these extensive regimens that I forget a step here and there. I understand it’s a process, but it’s frustrating one. But once I accepted that this is the journey, just taking the reigns again in my own skin care, I’ve seen improvement in under a month’s time. I can’t wait to tell you some of the things I’ve tried- the ones that worked and the one’s that didn’t.
I will tell you this: you never miss your moisture until the air turns dry. These blistery cold days have taken their toll. I’m usually oily, but with my very necessary products and these blasts of cold air, my skin got so dry it looked like it could crack and fall into a million pieces. If you have dry skin, Borghese’s Fango Restorative Hydrating Mud Mask is worth it. Even if you are using products to reduce oil, clear acne and clogged pores, you still need to moisturize your face and neck.
After 5-10 minutes, I removed the masks with a sponge and tepid water. My skin went from visible lines (due to dryness) to soft and supple. After using it once per week, I noticed that I had fewer days when my other products caused sever drying. Even though it’s a hydrating mask, I still follow with an oil-free moisturizer. The great thing is, this mask is for face and body and comes in two sizes ($67-17.6 oz; $35-7 oz.)
What are you doing to keep your skin glowing this winter?
By the way, I’d like to thank all of you who supported me in my effort to win the Pepsi Refresh grant to provide teens with school clothes for the upcoming school year. I didn’t win the grant. However, I’m of the “ain’t no stopping us now” generation and I’ve decided to still move forward with the project. I’ll keep you posted!