September is in full swing! Even though my school days are long over there something about this time of year that gets me get up for learning something new and getting back to business. As boring as it sounds, there is something about structure and routine that really does make life easier. The best part about it, is seeing the results. So be determined to get your mojo going by shaking off those carefree, lazy days of summer and get back to business!
I know. Easier said than done, right? One way to do it, is to create your own curriculum. If there’s something you want to to do or be, set out a plan to get it done. If it’s improving yourself, let’s say for example your skincare then develop a regimen and committ to it for six weeks to eight weeks. Yes, just as you would if you were in a class. Is fitness what you’re after? Then develop a routine. If you’re on a mission to de-clutter your life, set a schedule for cleaning and editing your closets. With a plan, a commitment and some clear goals, you’ll see yourself becoming that woman and those habits becoming second nature. Preparing your personal curriculum means, writing it down! Knowing exactly what you want to accomplish, how, and a reasonable time frame to see results.
While I’m one for doing things in tandem, it is true that when you focus (I’m talking laser focus) on one area, you’ll usually see results quicker. To get a jump on concentrating your areas of improvement, read Crystal Wright’s Thirty Days At 100 Percent. She is an empowerment diva who specializes in getting you unstuck! Fall is just around the corner, and it’s almost the end of the year, it’s not too late to pick up on those forgotten goals from earlier this year. Make this your “Can Do” season.
I’d love to know what you’re focusing on this Fall, let me know in the comments!
While you’re getting your goals and curriculum together, take a look at a few candids from the DVF fashion show for NY Fashion Week Spring ’13.

#CrystalWright, #DVF
Source: Maybelline.com