After seeing the opening scene of the Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot episode of Scandal, I don’t think Shonda Rhimes can make Olivia Pope anymore fabulous. Making her way effortlessly through the pool, our “fixer”, sometimes shero, and fashion muse, is swimming to work off the stress and gain some clarity. Still she can’t escape looking absolutely gorgeous.
What I really loved about her swimming laps, besides the bathing suit and swim cap, is that the image defies the stereotypes. Yes, African-American women run successful firms, create hit-television shows, and yes, we swim! And the thought that she was swimming as opposed to kick-boxing, P-90X’ing, or hammer-jacking her way out of heartache was all the more appealing.
Now does this mean I’ll finally perfect my breast stroke or start the day with a morning swim? Probably not. Does it mean that this will spark a Black Girls Swim movement? I don’t think so. But it does mean I’m looking forward to swimsuit season and some aquatic hair accessories. In the first scene she’s wearing a swimsuit from Lenny Niemeyer’s couture collection and a white Speedo bubble cap. In the second scene, she wears a chic swim cap by Luxury Divas. Her swimsuit is white with navy piping, by swimsuit and lingerie designer, Andre Sarda, Audrey collection.
This is how you look absolutely stunning mid-stroke and underwater. Both swimsuits are available online at NanceyMeyer.com

This is how you look absolutely stunning mid-stroke and underwater. Both swimsuits are available online at NanceyMeyer.com

Source: ABC.com, NancyMeyer.com, ScandalMoments