For me there is nothing more refreshing than a tall glass of iced tea. But I’ve discovered a new tea fix: Steaz! It’s green tea in a can and comes in multiple flavors (Blueberry Pomegranate is my favorite)! Ok, let me dial it back and give you the back story. In an effort to eat and live healthier I decided to cut back on sugar, which means that when making my home-brewed Luzianne, I’d leave out the sugar. It took a while, but I got used to it. I even liked it. But I soon became bored with it. The next thing you know, I was back to my classic beverage: Coca Cola—still refreshing, but heavy on the sugar.
So there I was minding my business in Whole Foods, when a cold can of Steaz beckoned me to the refrigerated display. Ice cold green tea in a can…with fruit flavors. My only experience with green tea has been hot tea, which I personally could do without. But “iced” green tea was new to me, so I decided to give it a try. I started out with Citrus, Coconut (absolutely delicious) and Peach.

Steaz teas are refreshing and thirst-quenching. And what’s even better is that it is lightly sweetened, meaning only has 10 grams of sugar per serving and in some flavors (Citrus) it has “zero sugar”. When you compare 10 grams of sugar per serving to Coca Cola‘s 65g—Steaz is my new real thing! Now I had one taste tester at my house that liked it but claimed that at $1.49 it was high. I don’t know if it was the mention of Whole Foods, or the fruit on the can that had them protesting over price. But my soda fix was costing my $1.69 or better for the grab-and-go cans. So I think the price is right, no pun intended. Steaz stays!
Try it and let me know what you think! Tell me your favorite flavor. Tweet me: @RainyDayDiva You can connect with Steaz, also: @Steaz
To good health and great flavor!