Keep It Up.

It is absolutely frigorific in the North East. Bitter temps, wind and snow have been the backdrop for my weekend. To say it’s cold outside is a major understatement. Let’s just say I’m not a fan. And it’s this kind of weather that makes me want to hibernate in warm socks and comfy clothes. But because I know the importance of self-care and I need a few pleasures in my life I trotted out for my appointment at the salon to have a pedicure. I wasn’t the only one, but it wasn’t quite as busy as usual. Having been a nail care specialist in another life, I had to shake my head at all the empty pedicure chairs. Surely, these chairs will be filled in the spring with rough and ragged soles who have neglected their tootsies all winter (and probably fall). You wouldn’t believe the people that come in wanting a manicure, and they have been building cuticles since they were building blocks with an obvious aversion to lotion of any sort, and they want you to turn back time in 20 minutes–the miracles that have to happen. Remember to pick up some cuticle oil and if it’s not in your budget, canola works just as well.

But anyway, I watched as an anxious woman smudged her burgundy nails as she tried to get into her suede boots a few moments too soon, glad that I had bought a pair of slip-on sandals (my car wasn’t far)–no smudges for me. Before I left the salon, my pedicurist wrapped my toes in saran, to prevent the chance of dents or smudges. I’m telling you, what I thought was a block, seemed like a mile. My feet turned into blocks of ice. By the time I got to my car, I could not feel below my ankles. So the first thing I did was turn on some heat and as I headed home I was thankful to be in the warm haven of my car. Finally, I could feel my feet again…but uh-oh!!!

Ladies, I do encourage you to continue self-care all year long–including pedicures. But if your nail care stylist ever wraps your feet in saran, please remove it before you turn the heat on in your car. You’re talking about a whole new meaning to the word top-coat. They say saran clings and they didn’t lie.

This week is going to be great. I have received phone calls, text messages and a few good talking-to’s about some of the things on this blog. Your points are well taken and I’ll be clearing that up this week. There will be beautiful inaugural fashions to talk about, all new–comfort zone, a follow up to Invest In you, and a cool new way to meet people. Oh, and you no longer have to wait for your sister’s best-friends cousin’s co-worker to forward RainyDayDiva to you via e-mail, Subscribe and have it delivered to your inbox.

In the meantime, tell me what has been one of your -funniest beauty/fashion faux pas (anything funnier than heated saran)?

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