Thanks To All This Wintry Weather-I Had An Accident

I wasn’t going to tell, but I had an accident this weekend. Yep. I slipped and fell. I slipped right off my nutrition track, stumbled into a Baskin Robbins and fell into some ice cream. It was the most delicious experience ever. In case you didn’t know the flavors at Baskin Robbins are seasonal, and since Winter White Chocolate is one of my favorites, and it is Winter, oh well. All I have to do now is avoid Baskin Robbins until the spring.

Haven’t you ever just had to throw caution to the wind and have something tasty, sweet, and scrumptious? Have you ever driven extra miles for a craving, regardless of gas prices, traffic, or weather? I mean, strong winds, rain, and thunder doesn’t stop Krispy Kreme from making donuts after 11 p.m. and someone needs to hit the drive thru around midnight so they can know their work is appreciated, right? They don’t have Krispy Kreme in the North East, just nasty Dunkin Donuts, yuck.. I know I’m not the only one.

But as long as we don’t give in everyday, it’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up if it happens to you. Just curious, what is that must-have treat, that one thing that there is no substitute for, for you?

Thought for today:
If you fall down seven times, stand up eight.