Investing In You (pt.3)

Contrary to what you’ve heard, the best things in life are not free. In fact, everything you want will cost you. The best things, the important things have a very high price: peace of mind, clarity, happiness, love, dignity, respect, self-control, a clear conscience, a clean house-it’s going to cost you. You may not have to reach into your wallet, but you’ll pay: Honesty, soul searching, confrontation, forgiveness, solitude, tears, vulnerability, accountability-these are the investments you’ll have to make if you want to take your brand of happiness to the next level.

Some changes may be uncomfortable, at first. It may mean giving up habits you enjoy that aren’t really getting you anywhere: uncontrolled finances, excessive television, excessive Internet, junk food, couch-hugging, no-good men, outgrown friendships, gossip, anger, a mean spirit. Is it worth it? Oh yeah. But don’t think of it as a sacrifice. Think of it as a down payment on your success.

Investing In You
Investing In You (pt.2)