I Reminisce, I Reminisce

I love old photographs. They tell the truth. When you stare into the eyes of an old photo you remember who you were then. It’s a snapshot of your hopes, dreams and outlook at that moment in time. Remember those elementary school photos when a pint-sized version of yourself had a long list of things you wanted to be when you grew up and you believed wholeheartedly that you could be each and everyone of those random things. A teacher, stuntman, doctor, professional cartoon watcher. Then there are the family photos, and you can’t believe how young your parents really were. They didn’t seem young at the time. By middle school you wanted to marry the cutest boy in class or the lead of your favorite singing group. High School was all about being with the right people at the right time and in the right clothes. A few years later you may have gotten a clue about where you wanted to go in life but didn’t have a car or GPS to get you there.

Old photos capture all of that. They make you remember, laugh, assess where you were, where you are and remember to pay attention to where you’re going next. Pull out that old photo album, put on the right song, pour a glass of your favorite drink and reminisce. I look at the little me and think, am I living up to all that that little girl deserves? I really can’t imagine that digital photos will have the same power-but that remains to be seen. I bet the couple in this picture had plans. I wonder if they had any idea then, how far they’d go?